The Auditor’s office will be CLOSED on Wednesday, April 2nd all day due to training.
Any agenda items for the Board meeting on Thursday, April 3rd will be due by Tuesday morning, April 1st.
The Auditor’s office will be CLOSED on Wednesday, April 2nd all day due to training.
Any agenda items for the Board meeting on Thursday, April 3rd will be due by Tuesday morning, April 1st.
Veterans Affairs
Contact Information
116 N 2nd Ave.
P.O. Box 31
Logan, IA 51546
Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday
8:15 am - 4:15 pm
Appointments are strongly recommended!
(712) 644-2038
About the Veterans Affairs
Harrison County Veteran Affairs director can assist veterans, their widows, widowers, wives and minor children with VA pensions, compensations, medical care, nursing care, aid and attendance, home loan assistance, education, & burial benefits.
Don Rodasky
(Missouri Valley, IA)
Eugene Jacobsen
(Magnolia, IA)
Laura Hansen
(Woodbine, IA)
The veteran must have the following qualifications:
Discharge from active military service under other than dishonorable conditions. Active service means full-time service as a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, or reserve units. Certain VA benefits and medical care require wartime service.
Under the law, VA recognizes these war periods:
Mexican Border Period
May 9, 1916, through April 5, 1917 – for veterans who served in Mexico, on its borders or in adjacent waters
World War I
April 6, 1917, through November 11, 1918 for veterans who served in Russia,
April 6, 1917, through April 1, 1920 extended through July 1, 1921, for veterans
who had a least one day of service between April 6, 1917, and November 11, 1918
World War II
December 7, 1941 through December 31, 1946
Korean Conflict
June 27, 1950, through January 31, 1955
Vietnam Era
August 5, 1964 (February 28, 1961, for veterans who served “in country” before August 5, 1964), through May 7, 1975
Gulf War
August 2, 1990, through a date to be set by law or Presidential Proclamation
VA Medical Centers
Iowa City
Toll Free
Des Moines
Toll Free
Waterloo Outpatient Clinic
Cedar Rapids Vet Center
National and State Veteran Cemeteries
Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs
Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs (
Toll Free
Rock Island
United States Veterans Affairs
Toll Free
Where to Go for Help
DAV Transportation
Toll Free
(800) 637-0128 ext. 7061
Headstones & Markers
VA Benefits
Life Insurance
Education Benefits
Debt Management Center
Mammography Hotline
Device for the Deaf
TDD (800) 829-4833
CHAMPVA (800) 733-8387
Persian Gulf Helpline
Toll Free
TDD (800) 829-4833
Documents & Forms
Job Opportunities