The Auditor’s office will be CLOSED on Wednesday, April 2nd all day due to training.
Any agenda items for the Board meeting on Thursday, April 3rd will be due by Tuesday morning, April 1st.
The Auditor’s office will be CLOSED on Wednesday, April 2nd all day due to training.
Any agenda items for the Board meeting on Thursday, April 3rd will be due by Tuesday morning, April 1st.
Contact Information
301 North 6th Ave Logan
IA 51546
P.O. Box 171 Logan
IA 51546
Hours of Operation
Summer hours begin when Daylight savings begins
Monday - Thursday
6:00 am - 4:30 pm
Winter hours start when Daylight savings ends
Monday - Friday.
7:00 am - 3:30 pm
(712) 644-3412
Utility Permit
Utility permits need to be sent to
( Randy and Arnold )
About the Engineer
Harrison County maintains 144 miles of paved roads and 792 miles of gravel road.
In addition, there are over 160 miles of earth roads in the county.
The Code of Iowa requires all counties to employ a licensed engineer to be in charge of the construction and maintenance of all roads under the county’s jurisdiction.
The County Board of Supervisors fixes the terms of employment of the engineer.
All employees of the Secondary Road Department are hired by the County Engineer, at the direction of the Board, to carry out the duties of the Department.
Responsible for supervision of all construction and maintenance work performed on all secondary roads within the county.
The County Engineer’s Office is responsible for the design and construction of all road and bridge projects on the road system. All permits pertaining to use of the roadway are issued from the office.
These include:
The County Secondary Road Department is responsible for general maintenance on all county roads.
This includes the installation of traffic signs, maintaining road surfaces, ditch drainage on the road right–of–way, vegetation control, and winter snow and ice control.
Road Foreman
Engineer Technician
Assitant to the engineer
Position Vacant
Field Assistant to the Engineer
Job Opportunities